Conditional Rezoning Case CZ-2024-007 Gold Branch
Bjorn E. Hansen, Senior Planner-Long Range Planning, 704-283-3690
Recommend approval or denial of proposed rezoning to the Board of Commissioners
This case is a rezoning request, petition CZ-2024-008, submitted by Kolter Group Acquisitions, LLC (the "Applicant") for revision of the Union County Zoning Map by rezoning tax parcels appearing on the Union County tax map as parcels 08-309-016, 08-282-009A, and a 129.17 acre portion of tax parcel 08-312-014, in the Goose Creek Township from RA-40 to R-4 with Conditions. The rezoning will include the following conditions:
1. Pursuant to Section 160D-108.1 of the North Carolina General Statutes and Section 80.020 of the Union County Unified Development Ordinance, the approval is vested for a period of five years.
2. Develop according to site plan dated November 5, 2024
3. Subdividing the approximately 20.93 acre portion of parcel 08-312-014 not included in the development
4. Meeting all requirements of the Union County Unified Development Ordinance.
5. Conceptual master plan. The development is subject to the conceptual master plan submitted as part of the Conditional Rezoning Application. Petitioner shall develop the site in a manner generally consistent with the conceptual master plan with the understanding that some minor modifications to the plans may be made as long as the ultimate design is consistent with the spirit and intent of the conceptual master plan.
6. General Design Guidelines:
a. The principal buildings constructed on the site may use a variety of building materials. The building materials used for the building may be a combination of the following: glass, brick, stone, simulated stone, pre-cast stone, architectural precast concreate, synthetic stone, stucco, EIFS, cementitious siding (such as Hardi-Plank), or wood. Vinyl, as a building material, will onl...
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