Amendment to the Union County Pay and Classification Plan
Julie Broome, Human Resources, Director, 704-283-3869; Jason Kay, County Attorney, 704-283-3784
Approve revision of the Union County Pay Plan to include new job classification titles, pay grades, and one new position.
1) Add the following classification and associated pay grade:
a. Environmental Health Division Manager - pay grade Q
b. Sheriff's Office Legal Counsel - pay grade S
2) Remove the following classification and associated pay grade:
a. Director, Environmental Health - pay grade Q
b. Training Supervisor - pay grade L
c. Trainer - pay grade J
3) Add one (1) Assistant County Attorney full-time equivalent (FTE) position
Updates to the Union County Pay Plan are necessary to add, update, and remove job classification titles to align with current and future organizational needs.
For certain property acquisition and condemnation pre-litigation services related to Union County Water, the County has historically contracted with outside counsel to provide such services. However, due to the volume of this work and time needed to address these issues, bringing these legal services in-house will provide overall benefit to the County and reduce costs. With the addition of one (1) Assistant County Attorney position in the County Attorney's Office, this change will provide improved budget stability, increased efficiency, and strengthened communication and collaboration opportunities. The monetary savings yielded by shifting away from the contract legal services model will fully fund the new position, allow for significantly decreased hourly legal service costs, and increase the County's ability to meet the requirements of this work in a cost-effective manner. The position will be funded through the Water and Sewer Public Enterprise fund. The position will be filled, trained, and deployed as soon as practicable w...
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