Contract Renewal - GIS Managed Services
Luke Fawcett, Union County Water - Planning & Resource Management, Assistant Director, 704-296-4237
Authorize the County Manager to 1) negotiate and execute an agreement substantially consistent with this agenda item, 2) exercise any renewal or extension term options set forth in the Agreement, and 3) terminate the Agreement if deemed in the best interest of the County, each in the County Manager's discretion.
1) August 16, 2021, Regular Meeting, Item #13 - Approved contract
2) November 7, 2022, Regular Meeting, Item #22-773 - Approved contract renewal
3) November 20, 2023, Regular Meeting, Item #23-766 - Approved contract renewal
Yearly pricing amendment for GIS Cloud Architecture and Software Licensing Managed Services. Rok Technologies performs implementation and managed services related to and in support of Water and County IT/GIS Amazon Web Services (AWS) environment and ESRI ArGIS Enterprise Software. The AWS infrastructure is also used by Water for numerous critical data management tools and real-time data streaming for the Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) Program.
The Union County Water Department has utilized the contractual services of Rok Technologies for GIS Managed Services since August, 2021. The company has been effective and efficient in meeting our service needs, and we are requesting to continue this service for an additional year. The Department will collaborate with Procurement to explore solicitation options in the future.
The anticipated annual cost for this service is $157,920 and is budgeted accordingly for FY2025.