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File #: 25-058    Version: 1
Type: Consent Agenda Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 1/17/2025 In control: Board of Commissioners
On agenda: 2/3/2025 Final action:
Title: Grant Application - FY2026 Juvenile Crime Prevention Council (JCPC) Funding for Parenting Support and Nurturing Parenting Program
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Grant Application - FY2026 Juvenile Crime Prevention Council (JCPC) Funding for Parenting Support and Nurturing Parenting Program
Stephanie Starr, Human Services Agency - Community Support and Outreach Department, Director, 704-296-4302
Authorize the County Manager to submit the associated grant application and make necessary assurances and certifications associated with the grant application as substantially consistent with this agenda item, which includes the authorization to execute documents and budget funds as appropriate.
1) March 20, 2023, Regular Meeting, Agenda Item # 23-129 - Approved Grant Application - FY2024 Juvenile Crime Prevention Council (JCPC) Funding for Parenting Support and Nurturing Parenting Program
2) February 5, 2024, Regular Meeting, Agenda Item #24-089- Grant Application- FY25 JCPC Funding for Parenting Support and Nurturing Parenting Program
3) December 16, 2024, Regular Meeting, Agenda Item #24-834 - Budget Amendment- NC Department of Public Safety- JCPC Funding FY25.
The Human Services Agency Division of Community Support and Outreach seeks approval to apply for FY2026 JCPC funding to support our Parenting Support and Nurturing Parenting (PSNP) program. We received $21,500 in JCPC funding for FY2024, $17,000 in FY2025, and are requesting up to $25,000 in additional JCPC funding for FY2025. Before receiving JCPC funds in FY2024, PSNP, in its 12th year under the administration by the County, was only available for at-risk parents of children birth to five due to stipulations on the funding through Alliance for Children. In FY2024 and FY2025, Union County received $135,008 in Alliance for Children Smart Start Funding, which covers 1.5 FTE facilitators, program handbooks and assessment tools, as well as incentives for motivation, retention, & graduation of program clients. JCPC funding enables the county to serve families with children 6-17.


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