Contract - Crooked Creek Water Reclamation Facility Office & Storage Building Design-Build Phase 1 Services
John Shutak, Union County Water, Engineering Director, 704-283-3651
Authorize the County Manager to negotiate and execute a contract for design-build Phase 1 services with Miles-McClellan Construction Company, Inc. in the amount of $195,258.00 that is substantially consistent with the attached agreement.
May 20, 2024, Regular Meeting, Agenda Item #24-326 - Authorized design-build as the alternative delivery method for the project.
The Capital Improvement Program (CIP), as adopted by the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC), includes an allocation for the design and construction of office, storage, and maintenance facilities at Union County Water Reclamation Facilities (WRFs). These improvements are integral to the long-term maintenance and operation of the WRFs. The Crooked Creek WRF no longer accommodates the space and storage needs of the operations at the facility. The proposed project includes the construction of a 1,500 square-foot building with office space and spare equipment storage space.
Union County was unable to complete the project utilizing the traditional lowest bidder design-bid-build delivery method for the project due to limited participation in the bidding process from contractors, resulting in the project bid not being within the project budget. As allowed by G.S. 143-128.1A, the BOCC approved the design-build delivery method for the project on May 20, 2024.
Staff developed and advertised RFQ 2025-004 to solicit qualifications from design-build teams for the project, and three (3) responses were received. Staff evaluated each qualification submittal and interviewed all three teams. Based on the rankings of the shortlisted teams and results of the subsequent interviews, Miles-McClellan Construction Company, Inc. was selected and development of...
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