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File #: 25-001    Version: 1
Type: Consent Agenda Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 12/18/2024 In control: Board of Commissioners
On agenda: 1/6/2025 Final action:
Title: Bid Award and Contract - Union County Sheriff's Office Fueling Station
Attachments: 1. Invitation for Bid, 2. Addendum 1, 3. Addendum 2, 4. Bid Tabulation Certified, 5. DCS Construction Bid Form, 6. Resolution, 7. Capital Project Ordinance 367B, 8. Capital Project Ordinance 368A
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Bid Award and Contract - Union County Sheriff’s Office Fueling Station



Christopher J. Boyd, Facilities & Fleet Management, Director, 704-283-3868




1) Accept the low bidder, 2) authorize award of the contract to Dave’s Construction Service, in the amount of $436,477.80, 3) authorize the County Manager to negotiate and execute and agreement substantially consistent with this Agenda item, 4) adopt CPO#367B and CPO#368A and 5) adopt Resolution Providing Notice of Construction of the Union County Sheriff’s Office Fueling Station.


This contract is to construct a new fueling station located at the rear of the Union County Sheriff’s Office Administration building. This project was identified as a “Critical Infrastructure” project with a goal to provide an independent fuel supply for UCSO vehicles. The need was identified for this independent fuel supply during several disaster events that limited fuel supplies in the region and significantly impacted local gas stations which have served as the regular fuel supply for UCSO vehicles.


The project scope of work includes providing a 12,000-gallon fuel tank, dispensing system, and associated equipment. A three-sided enclosure will be constructed to conceal the fuel tank and provide enhanced security. The fuel management system will integrate with Union County’s existing fuel management system. Other accessory work includes replacing a section of asphalt with concrete, installing speed bumps to assist spill containment and traffic calming, and installing a security camera for area surveillance. 


On October 2, 2024, the Procurement Department partnered with Facilities Management to issue an Invitation for Bid 2025-006. On November 19, 2024, three (3) responsive bids for the title project were received and processed. All bids were tabulated, reviewed, and certified by Labella Associates, PC. Bids ranged from $436,477.80 to $645,234.70. Staff recommends that the project be awarded to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, Dave’s Construction Service, Inc. in the amount of $436,477.80.


Because the lowest bid exceeds the amount budgeted for the project, staff recommends allocating $175,000.00 from the Facilities Repair and Renovation capital account to cover the overage. The original budget for the project is $275,000.00 and with this additional allocation will become $450,000.00. This agenda item also includes approval of CPO#367B and CPO#368A to allocate the additional funds.


Funding is available within the adopted UC Fueling Stations capital account - 4080210, after approval of CPO#367B and CPO#368A, to support the construction contract amount of $436,477.80.